See the tall oaks standing above the trailer? One morning while watching the morning news
and enjoying our first cup of coffee, a barrage of noise clattered on the roof
of the trailer and the roof of the slide that we were sitting under. It sounded as if a herd of squirrels were
throwing acorns at a target suspended above our heads. H went out to investigate and saw a big,
crazed Pileated Woodpecker beating his head on a dead branch, using his
sharpened beak like an axe to peck off chips of wood that fell like rocks to
the trailer roof below.
On one of our walks around the park, H almost stepped on a
5ft long stick that was laying in the dusty roadbed – except I hollered and the
stick moved!
Next came the suspense of not knowing if the coiled up
threatened reptile was a rattler or not.
Its tail shook like it had rattles and its cheeks were flared. After several other campers heard the ruckus
and came to see the commotion – we all learned the snake was a Yellow Rat Snake
whose actions mimic a rattlesnake to scare predators away. It almost worked!
The roar of the
DeHaviland Beaver seaplane that we had the thrill of riding in last year flew
low over the park EVERY day. We would
hear the deep rumble of the engine way before we could see the plane cruise
slowly over the treetops and slide across the opening in the tree canopy before
heading out over the open water in front of us. One day while out “exploring” Mt Dora we stood on the city docks
and watched him aim his sturdy craft into the wind and charge thru the waves
and splay the water away as he took off into the sky.
Added to our growing list of “NEW” friends are Barbara and
Ron from Englewood Florida. She and I found out we have lots of stuff in
common! And Jeff, proud owner of a
gorgeous old motor coach, graciously gave me yarn that was his wife’s before
she passed away this past year. I
started a prayer shawl and was fortunate to have it partially completed so he could
see how pretty it was going to be when finished. As you knit a prayer shawl, it is customary to pray for the
cancer patient who will receive it.
This shawl was prayed over for that lady, for my dear friend still up in
Ohio who is just now going thru chemo for cancer and also in remembrance of
this lady whose yarn it was.