Saturday, February 9, 2008

Resort living in the Valley
Well we had fun in the valley area and Mexico, but it is time to move on and go camping.
Resort living is like apartment living in the city, and camping is like living in your own home in the country. I guess I am a camper at heart and not a resort type person. I gave it a try, and at this stage of my life I feel that I am too young for this life style. I don’t think it is for me, maybe after I get a few more miles on this old body of mine.
Will be glad to be moving on up the road. Resort living is very nice if you are very old ,or very old at heart. There are plenty of things for old people to do. Don’t take me wrong there are many people who seem to enjoy living like that.
Personally I miss camping. I like waking up in the morning and looking out the window at the sun coming up over the water, or through the woods, or sitting outside on the picnic table and having my coffee in the morning, or fixing a meal or roasting marshmallows over a campfire in the evening. Here in the resort you get to sit at your kitchen table and look at the side of another mobile housing unit while drinking your morning coffee. Resorts don’t even have picnic tables. Most resorts are built out in the middle of nowhere and then a recreation complex is build within. No matter how you look at it or how nice they are, the resorts are one very big trailer park with very little if any green space. Us old country boys need some open space around us.
I guess that is why they put wheels under these trailers, if you don’t like living where you are you can always just move on up the road and try something else.
Will be stopping at many state and county parks on the way back home, and do a lot of CAMPING. Most parks are there for a reason, either there is something scenic or there is some form of natural recreation in the area. Why just visit one, when you can take your home with you and live in the park for a while? Hope to take advantage of what many of these parks have of offer.